My very first post!! I just started this blog like 2 seconds ago and I'm already at a loss for words...
Let's see, my name is Heidi and I'm a makeup addict. I love all things makeup, fashion, decor...you know, all things vain! I'm the mom of two beautiful girls, and a wife to the most wonderful man in the world. I'm a "stay at home mom" ( I hate that title...I'm hardly ever home), an author ( I co-authored a book with my mom about hospitality), a singer ( I grew up in the music business, now I just sing when I get the chance), and a self-proclaimed beauty junkie.
The point of this blog is to write about makeup, but who knows, I might end up writing about things that actually matter, too! Not that makeup doesn't matter, it's just that there are things that matter to me more than lip gloss. First, and foremost, I am a Christian and I won't be silent about that! I am very passionate and opinionated about politics, but I will try to be silent about that. I know how much of a divisive issue politics can be!
Let me share ten facts about me:
1. I really try to be a nice person, but sometimes I forget that
2. I can't spell to save my life!
3. I love Jesus, but don't spend as much time with Him as I should...constant battle
4. I'm very close to my family. We traveled and sang together when I was growing up, so we had a lot of bonding time!
5. I spend way to much time being concerned about the way I look...lots of waisted time...
6. I have a hard time with "follow through"...I'll start things and never finish th
7. I hate cooking, but love watching cooking shows
8. I have very natural curly hair that I have passed down to my two girls...along with the tender head
9. I've had a 20 year battle with weight...still trying to lose 30 pounds of baby weight...it's about time I win!!
10. I'm "cool by association" because my brother is a well know music producer and his wife is an amazing songwriter
Till next time....